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1. What are your husbando's love languages?

Top of the list would definitely be acts of service. He is not one to express his love or affection out loud so doing simple things like helping me out with something is one of the ways he expresses his love and care.

Another one would be quality time. He enjoys having deep and thoughtful conversations or us spending time doing our own thing while we are together.

2. Do you have pet names for each other?

We sure do! We both love using nicknames for each other.

The one he uses the most for me is spider monkey because I'm very affectionate and like to cling onto him a lot and also because spider monkeys are known for their excellent ability to cling to things.
Lioness is another one he uses albeit not as often as spider monkey but it's still pretty cute and it's to pay homage to how protective I would be of him.
The classic baby, darling, sweethheart, honey and all those types of nicknames are ones that I enjoy as well.

I like to call him my spoiled prince due to how insufferable and bratty he can be at times but I enjoy that side of him nonetheless.
Another one is my darling sociopath because he is classified as a sociopath and why not use that for a nickname?

3. What are some things you love about him?

As I've said before, I love how calm he is but as much as I love his self-control, I like when he loses it and turns unhinged. His anger is something I really like about him because not only is it rare for him to get angry but also because it is a genuinely terrifying sight.

4. What are some things he loves about you?

He loves that I am unique, that I don't conform to traditional norms or social expectations. I don't care about what others think and I just do my own thing without a care in the world and that I embrace my weirdness and chaotic nature like it's a badge of honor. He finds it both fascinating and attractive.

5. What might prompt him to suddenly show you affection?

Usually when he gets in over his head and is afraid that he is going to lose me.

Quality Time

1. Do you share any hobbies/interests?

I'd say not really.

Kai isn't shown explicity to have any hobbies/interests besides shogi also known as Japanese chess which suggests that he loves strategy based games.
Now me, I am 50/50 on strategy games. On one hand it feels nice once you succeed in figuring out on how to get the upper hand on the other player or reach your goal in a strategy based video game but on the other hand, I get frustrated way too easily.

Since Kai has a deep knowledge of quirks and biology, it implies that he has an interest in research and experimentation. It is shown that he is skilled in medical and scientific fields as evidenced by his work with Eri to create quirk-erasing bullets even if he applies them unethically.
I myself am not all that interested in those fields because I prefer computers and the general world of I.T. much more.

I saw someone on Tumblr say that they had headcanons of him being into crossdressing and honestly, I can totally see that. He can serve a mean androgynous or a slightly more feminine look.

2. What would he think about your hobbies/interests?

I think he'd find them endearing and would definitely want me to talk about them no matter how much I would try to claim that I would just be annoying him.

In the yapper x listener dynamic I am the yapper because I tend to talk nonstop about the things I'm interested in. He'd totally encourage me to talk about anything and everything related to computers. Perhaps I could enlighten him to the world of machine learning, specifically neural networks and deep learning since it's a topic I really love.

He might ask me about my witchcraft stuff on the off chance he catches me practicing which is a rarity since I don't do it as much as I used to. I could talk about the divination aspect of it, maybe give him a tarot reading if he asks.

3. Do you think you might pick up each other's hobbies/interests?

I may try to brush up on my strategy skills but other than that, no we wouldn't.

4. Where would you go on a date?

Somewhere simple I think, like to a cafe. I really love going to them. I enjoy the cozy atmosphere and it's a good place for me to fuel my everlasting coffee addiction lol. We'd have long winded coversations about everything and anything ranging from stupid shit to deep, serious converstions. I might get caught up in admiring him and he'd tease me for it.

5. How often do you make time just for him?

I make time for him almost every evening. I don't exactly have the resources to do anything extravagent so I work on this website in dedication to him. I find it therapeutic to just pop in my earphones and listen to a video or to music and surf through the internet while working on the shrine.

Physicality and Touch

1. What would it feel like to hug your husbando?

I would imagine it would feel firm and safe in his embrace. He feels really comfortable to lay on and how much more safer can you be in the arms of a crazed, protective Yakuza boss?

2. What's it like holding hands?

Another fun fact about me is that I have really small, skinny hands. Basically akin to a child's hands. So I don't hold Kai's hand entirely and just hold a few of his fingers.

3. How does he like to be kissed?

He likes slow, soft, and deliberate kisses that allow him to feel in control of the moment.

4. What do you appreciate about his appearance?

I've said it before but I adore his eyes. Same with his eyelashes. They compliment his eyes perfectly and gold suits them really well.

I do also love his shaggy hair especially when it grows longer during his imprisionment in Tartarus. It feels fluffy whenever I run my hand through it. He looks good with a stubble also.

5. How would he feel about PDA?

He does like PDA surprisingly but in a "showing off your partner" type of way. While walking he would sometimes put his hand on my lower back to lightly guide me to where we need to go and during meetings I would sit on his lap a lot. We do sometimes hold hands as well though we don't kiss in public as we'd rather save that to do in private.

6. What textures do you associate with him?

Silk is the texture I associate him with because it's expensive and the soft, lush feeling of it suits Kai's tastes.

7. Best position for cuddling your husbando?

I love laying on top of him! It's the most comfortable position to lay on your partner in my opnion. Kai can wrap his arms around me and stroke my back or run his fingers through my hair. His muscles do make a good pillow lol.

Spooning is also a good cuddling position. I like to imagine myself being the little spoon because it makes me feel safe and laying in his arms is just cozy in general. He can also squish himself into the crook of my neck as well since he likes burying his face in there.
Being the big spoon feels nice as well. I like holding him close to me and having his weight on me feels comforting.

8. Where would he most like to touch you?

It would be my face methinks. He likes placing his hand on my cheek and rubbing his thumb gently across the skin. He also likes to cup my face and tilt it so I can look into his eyes. He knows how important physical affection is for me so he makes sure to give me as much of it as I want.

Relationship Development

1. Who initiates the romance? How does it start?

I am pretty blunt and affectionate so it would be me who pursues him rather than the other way around. Due to my anxiety though, I would try to get a read on him to see if he reciprocates my feelings since I sometimes struggle with feeling like he doesn't.

2. How do you imagine him being during the start of your relationship?

He would keep me at arms length in the beginning and would resort to just giving me gifts because he doesn't know how relationships work since he often views them as transactional. I do have to eventually tell him that spending time together is more important as time is a precious thing.

Me though, I'd defintely be a nervous wreck since I've never been in a relationship and it would be brand new territory I'd be treading through but with time, we both learn to be more confident in our couple.

3. What would change as your relationship develops?

The emotional aspect of the relationship would change as we both stop being so guarded and start opening up little by little, although it would be me opening up more than him but still. He would start to be more comfortable with physical affection like little touches and all that.

It would be baffling to him because he isn't used to being seen as anything else but a cold hearted monster but he's relieved when I'm patient with him time and time again.

4. What are your biggest obstacles to overcome?

Because of my low self esteem it makes me think I will cause all the problems in our relationship. Sometimes I think: "I'm way too clingy and Kai wouldn't like that." or "I'm such an embarrassment."
I have thankfully gotten better about my low self esteem though it is still present but not to a massive degree as it was before. It is still a work in progress.

5. What benefit would you add to your husbando's life?

I'd provide him with patience, acceptance and understanding.

Kai is a really difficult person to like, let alone tolerate. Hell, his foster father did almost fuck all in regards to parenting him so I'd try to reach into the void and pull out what little of his humanity is left into the light.