Good morning starshine! The Earth says hello! 

1. What would your morning routine look like with him?
Back when the Shie Hassaikai was still around, Kai would be up super early meaning by the time I got up, 9 times out of 10 he would be off doing his work. Sad but hey, I at least got to see him throughout the day.
Now that he is out of the job, he usually stays in bed with me until I get up. I often wake up to him laying on me or clinging onto me with a firm grip. He can't stand the thought of not having me there when I wake up hence the clingyness which is understandable. Waking up in the morning to not having your partner there is anxiety inducing for someone with abandonment issues.
On rare occasions though, I wake up to him still sleeping. It's quite the sight for sore eyes.
I usually spend the mornings scrolling through social media to see what's happening while I pet his hair or rub his back if he is laying on my chest.
2. Does he drink coffee? What kind do you think he would like?
He does drink coffee and used it a lot especially during stressful days or when he wants to stay up all night to finish something important.
I think he would drink regular ol' coffee with sugar or black coffee if he is pissed off.
3. How long does it take him to get ready?
5 minutes. He can get ready in a flash and honestly, same.

1. What meal would your husbando prepare for you?
I imagine him cooking healthy meals cause not only does he know that I go to the gym (and that I need that protein lol) but he knows that I suffer from indigestion. I can never pinpoint what the cause is so he would cook something light to ease my anxiety about it especially since it happens during the night whenever I eat in the evenings.
Since I can only cook the most basic of foods, he would be saving my ass from starvation. Not only that but there are a lot of times where I simply refuse to eat because I don't feel like eating. He even said if I were left alone for a month, I would survive on air and a handful of chips so you have him to vouch for that.
So he's pretty much devoted himself to making sure I don't skip meals on him, even threatening to force feed me if he has to and let me tell you, that man watches like a hawk so there's no way I can get away with that.
2. What are his eating habits like?
He is quite the responsible one which extends to his eating habits. He eats 3 times a day meanwhile I can go for a long time without food, much to his annoyance.
3. What kind of dessert does he like most?
He likes chocolate mousse. Real fancy for a refined man such as himself.
4. What kind of beverage does he drink?
He enjoys green tea, cold beer and a whiskey on the rocks.
5. What restaurant would he take you to? What would he order?
I'd say that he would take me to a restaurant with Japanese cuisine.
He would pick one that's fancy and expensive cause he loves spoiling me. He'd order sushi because it's his favorite and it would give me the chance to try some actual, authentic sushi.
The Dark Nights 

1. What are his sleeping habits like?
He's a light sleeper meaning he easily moves in and out of consciousness. I see him as someone who doesn't move around a lot when sleeping and lays there perfectly still throughout the night. He also has fallen asleep on his desk on multiple occassions because of his refusal to give himself a break.
2. If he can't fall asleep, what will he do?
Most of the time, Kai is able to fall asleep. It's more likely that I'm the one who can't sleep because I get restless and all my anxiety comes to the surface.
Usually when he can't fall asleep, it's because of a nightmare he had. He wouldn't want to wake me up so he'd just lay himself on me until he falls asleep again.
3. What would he wear to bed?
Since Kai is known for obsessing over cleanliness, he would opt for high-quality, breathable fabrics like silk or cotton to maintain comfort and cleanliness. His sheets would be clean and soft as well, making it really heavenly to lay on.
4. What might he dream about?
He would definitely be having a lot of nightmares than actual good dreams. His nightmares range from his childhood all the way to the fall of the Shie Hassaikai. It's no surprise considering that nothing good has happened in his life ever, at least before I came along. When he does wake up from those nightmares, he likes to lay on me for comfort.
5. Have you ever dreamt about him?
I have dreamt about him before but it happens very rarely. The first time is very blurry for me to recall but I'm sure that I saw Kai as a kid in that dream though it was foggy in there. The second time, he wasn't even physically there. It was just his full name plastered somewhere. The third time was when I was actually able to have a dream about him where he was actually physically present. It lasted for a couple of seconds and it was him holding me up and we were both smiling and giggling but from a third person view.
Coincidentally it was the day that my mother had decided to give me her big ass fluffy goose plush to help me sleep when I said that I was thinking of getting a long pillow when I had that dream. The goose had answered my prayers when I had been praying to have a good dream of my F/O.
There had been two separate times where I had dreamed of a dupe of Kai. One was in the discord server I am in and in the other one, they were in one of the subreddits dedicated to fictos that I used to be a part of. Both times I woke up annoyed because I'm non-sharing when it comes to Kai.
I've had a terrible dream involving him as well. I had posted about my 9 month anniversary with Kai in the aformentioned discord server and after that I had literally dreamed that he died in a brutal, gory way. It was pretty distressing since I absolutely hate gore.
There was a strange dream I had with him as well where I was looking at his wiki page and it was said he was Argentinian for some reason. All that time spent looking at his wiki page to create my shrine dedicated to him didn't do well for my brain it seems lmao.
So yeah, my brain is basically akin to the wild west, giving me the most strangest dreams about Kai. Hopefully I can have more dreams that are actually good where they also involve him physically there.
6. You fall asleep on him! How does he react?
He takes it as an excuse to be physically affectionate with me since I'm the one who initiates it anyway. He finds it cute how much physical affection I give him and how comfy I get laying on him. He'd rub my back or pet my hair while making sure I'm comfortable. He would also try not to move around so much so he won't wake me up since I'm a light sleeper.
Domestic Life 

1. What would it be like to live together?
It would be quiet and comfortable. Since Kai no longer works, he's basically a trophy husband now and I'm the breadwinner in the lore I created. Granted the meaning of a trophy husband is that the more attractive man in the relationship doesn't work, and is supported by their older, wealthier partner. I'm very much younger than him but I like the term so I'll keep calling him that.
2. Is your husbando a good driver?
Kai is canonically a passenger princess as shown when he was being driven to meet the League of Villains by Twice. So I assume he either doesn't know how to drive or he can drive but just has people drive for him.
Imagining that he does know how to drive, I'd imagine he would be a pretty decent driver. He would probably get an expensive car and wouldn't really decorate the interior of it and just keep it plain. Perhaps he might have a photo of us in there somewhere. I imagine that it would be kept pristine and would smell nice.
3. What items would he add to the grocery list?
He would add fresh and high-quality foods to the list and also plain or minimally processed food to avoid unnecessary additives. I can imagine him putting coffees and teas in there since we drink a lot of that stuff.
Some cleaning products also because even if his obsession with cleanliness has toned down a bit, he still cares about our hygiene and the house's cleanliness.
4. How would you arrange your belongings to fit together?
I'm the type of person to have accumulated all sorts of things over time. Things like trinkets, knickknacks, books, cards that I used to access arcades and playplaces and other random things I refuse to throw away because of the memories I have associated with them. I am a sentimental person as you can tell.
Kai doesn't have much stuff with him in the first place so I imagine we'd be able to make it work easily if he's able to lend some moral support while I look through some of my belongings and throw away anything deemed unnecessary.
By the end of it, it would be an organized mess, mirroring how we are as a couple.
Kai's Preferences 

1. What are his favourite things?
His plague doctor mask.
In the lore, after the fall of the Shie Hassaikai I manage to locate the mask and take it since it's the only thing I have of Kai and that I hadn't seen him for several months so I kept it with me to cope. I do keep it in our shared home. He does like to look at it sometimes and even hold it. It is a sign of growth for him cause he has grown and changed significantly. He did recognize what he did wrong for some of his actions because he was shown crying out of regret while begging to apologize to the boss, though it was also shown that he holds no remorse for his treatment of Eri but for what it's worth I do think he has come far from the man he once was.
His jacket would also be a favorite thing of his. You can't deny how iconic it is!
2. What are some things he dislikes/hates?
Canonically he hates quirks due to his mysophobia and an old theory claiming that quirks derived from rats. Kai believes that quirks are a plague on humanity, having infected people with "syndromes" of heroism and villainy. He looks down upon those that use their abilities for either purpose, referring to acts of heroic sacrifice or petty crime as "sicknesses".
He also hates anything he percieves as unsanitary. He refuses to be touched by others and even breath the same air as him.
Onto non-canon territory, he hates fake people and also people who think they can outnumber him.
3. Would he like a pet? What kind?
Realistically, he wouldn't want a pet but on the off chance he did, he would want one that's low maintenance and wouldn't cause a lot of mess. That said, I could see him having some fish since all you have to do is feed them and clean their tank once every two weeks.