I will put some questions that y'all potentially will have and answer them

1) Didn't he abuse a child?/He experimented on a child, what is wrong with you?

Villains do terrible things, it's why they are called villains, more at 8 but yes, I am aware that he experimented on a child. I am not going to sit here and act like he didn't do it cause that would be dumb and his actions were displayed for everyone to see point blank.
People have loved villains for years and they can love them without condoning their actions. I do see that others often forget the reason why Overhaul experimented on Eri. Because he saw her as the key to bringing the Yakuza back to its former glory, though that doesn't justify the fact that he still abused a child.
People have this weird puritan mentality, wanting to hold some moral high ground over people who like Overhaul like automatically believing that they support child abuse. It's so excessive and I guess it's that way because Overhaul hasn't had the opportunity to change that people can accept. But Kai didn't react the way people would've wanted him to when he escaped from Tartarus prison.
I saw a post on Tumblr where someone said Kellen Goff (Kai's English voice actor) mentioned how he'd love to see a true redemption arc, people attacked him on his own Twitter for thinking so. People want the villains to be held accountable but god forbid one of them might actually one day.

People have said the most nasty shit about Kai during the prison arc as well, saying he deserved worse or even death. Like we get it, you don't like him and you have every reason not to but don't shit on people who actually like him.
I legitimately don't understand how people can look at Kai when he was suffering and say that he deserves death. The man lost everything: his home, his father figure, his associates/subordinates, his arms and his mind. He was literally rendered clinically insane by being kept in prison and in a white room at that. There is a torture method called "White Room Torture" because of how the sensory deprivation can mess with a person's mind. All of that isn't enough for you?

There is also some ableism in how Kai's character is treated with his loss of arms and obvious mental health issues. People hated him for snapping at Izuku, the guy who in Chisaki's mind ruined his life, and not regret his actions but let me ask you this: How is Kai supposed to be calm, rational and remorseful in the state he's in? Why do they expect any kind of "normal" behavior from someone who's obviously unwell and needs help? Oh my God, just imagine a mentally ill person yelling at the person who did nothing but hurt him! This is proof Kai is pure evil and he should rot in prison!

It's very dumb and very much screams chronically online because he is fictional at the end of the day. Liking a villain isn't a mark of your own moral compass and it doesn't mean that you agree with their actions.

2) Isn't he transphobic?

No, he isn't. It was accidental and it wasn't like he did that maliciously, he didn't know. I guarantee you if the series didn't go out of their way to call Magne 'Big Sis', most of us would also assume perhaps she was just 'like that'. Anime has a lot of characters that are gross caricatures of people/races/gender. We literally have one scene to go off of and even then she was never brought up again.
Just because someone misgenders a person once doesn't automatically mean they are transphobic. Not unless it's done on purpose.

3)But he's a pedophile!

No the fuck he isn't! I am really sick of people saying he is one and I have no idea where they got that from. Saying that he is one is negating the reason as to why he experimented on Eri which I have already said before. Nowhere in the story was it implied or said that he is into children romantically. I don't know how some can misconstrue Kai's actions so badly to the point where they just straight up call him a pedophile. Some people on the internet love to throw labels around without properly researching what it actually means.

4)You are delusional and you need to get help

Didn't ask

5)What do you think of the League of Villains?

I think that they are alright. I never really was all that invested in them to be honest. I do like how close they were and how they formed a found family. However, the hypocrisy between liking the LOV and Overhaul within the fanbase made me not like the LOV. Those weird fans of the League of Villains have soured my perception towards them, like infantilizing them up the wazoo. I find it really weird how those fans would just reduce them to some innocent angels who did nothing wrong when in fact they did plenty wrong. Sure their harsh upbringing was the main cause of it but it doesn't take away from the fact that they have terrorized and killed hundreds of people.
What I find gross is that they called the author a bad writer just because most of the criminals died and faced consequences of their actions and weren't integrated into society, completely forgetting that none of the LOV members wanted to be saved and that they only wanted destruction.
Because of this, Shigaraki became my least favorite. He is an interesting character don't get me wrong but when those fans reduce him to some cute loser boy who likes video games, it leaves a bad taste in my mouth because he is more than that. You can describe Shigaraki's atrocities that fucked up the civilians' lives and they will be like "B-But he liked video games!!". Good for him! But he still killed people. They all done bad things which is why they are considered criminals but they could be humanised while not actually excusing their actions. The Leagues' backstory is supposed to give us a reason or a look as into why they became the people they did and how society failed them but it's not supposed to justify or make their actions seem ok.