Candle They're all sick, every last one of them

About Me

Hihi! I go by CoffeeAddictedGoth on the internet but I am often called Coffee which is a nickname I adore because it's my favorite drink. I am a 20 year old cisgender woman and my pronouns are she/her.

My identities are aromantic, fictosexual and homoflexible. I am from the US but my ethnicity is Armenian and I can speak both languages fluently.

I don't usually like talking about myself which is why I'm so terrible at it so have a list of some facts about me.

  • I'm a huge tech nerd and I am really into computers specifically the software part of them. It has always fascinated me ever since I was younger and because of that, I am now majoring in IT in university.
  • I am into a mix of pop, rock, grunge and heavy metal music. My favorites are Nirvana, Deftones, My Chemical Romance and Andrew W.K. I don't have any favorite pop music artists as I listen to a mishmash of artists and bands.
  • I am also into Gravity Falls. I have heard that the show was a big part of a lot of people's childhood but I never watched it as a child. It's my second interest apart from My Hero Academia.
  • I am into witchcraft and have practiced it before though I am not entirely dedicated to it. I moreso like the divination aspect of it, like using tarot cards, pendulums and the like. I occasionally like to use my tarot cards to get a reading on my relationship with Overhaul.
  • I'm heavily into gothic fashion specifically the traditional gothic style (it's how my username came into inception after all). Funnily enough, I dress more grunge if anything.
  • Despite not being into horror due to the frequent nightmares I get, my favorite movie is The Silence of the Lambs.