You've come across a strange website... 
One that is colored in white, black and purple, adorned with blinkies, stamps and plague doctor imagery. The name of the website reads: "They're all sick, every last one of them." If you recognize this quote, then you remember that it was said by Kai Chisaki or better known as Overhaul, a major antagonist in the My Hero Academia franchise. Quite a controversial character and you think to yourself: "Why would anyone fall in love with him?" but rest assured dear stranger, all will be explained. If you are curious enough then proceed but do so with caution...

This site is going to contain brief mentions of child abuse and pedophilia (pedophilia is mentioned for clearing up misinformation about him). If you are uncomfortable with those topics, I suggest clicking off this website.
It will also contain some crude language, flashing lights and a bit of blood (mostly for the pixels I used).
There will also be spoilers for seasons 4 and 6 of the anime, for chapter 427 and for Overhaul's backstory as well (well more like half a backstory).
Welcome to my shrine stranger! Leave your concept of cringe at the door folks because I feel no shame and I don't hold anything back especially when it comes to my boyfriend who yes, is a fictional character. No, this ain't some delusion or an elaborate joke, I do consider him to be my partner. And yes, I know that he is fictional but I digress.
I hope you enjoy reading me talking about my bitch ass sociopathic boyfriend <3