Welcome Dear Viewer!

This website is dedicated to my partner and love of my life, Kai Chisaki or Overhaul! Quite a strange character to fall in love with I know but all will be explained.

I have always wanted to share my love for Overhaul but there unfortunately isn't a lot of safe spaces to do so. With this website I not only want to talk about my partner but I also want to set the record straight and clear up some misinformation about him.

This site is going to contain brief mentions of child abuse and pedophilia.
It will also contain some crude language and flashing lights.
There will also be spoilers for seasons 4 and 6 of the anime, for chapter 427 and for Overhaul's backstory as well (well more like half a backstory).

Before you explore there are two more things I want to establish just for you to understand how deep my love runs for this man. If you are uncomfortable with those topics, I suggest clicking off this website.

1. I believe that Kai is real to some extent and by extension I believe that my connection with him is real:
It is a bit difficult to explain this but I believe in spirituality and in things like soulbonds, tulpas, tarot cards, the multiverse theory, etc.
I do believe that Kai is out there somewhere and that we have a strong connection in every sense of the word.
At the same time I am aware that he isn't real so if you treat him as just a character or if you hate him, I won't hold it against you.

2. I am genuinely in love with Overhaul and refer to him as my significant other:
I am not an average fangirl and I don't like to be referred to as such. I am a fictosexual and I have been that way my entire life.
That said, I am cool with being called his fan as being his fan is what made our relationship blossom.

With all that said I hope you enjoy exploring my website!